Results for 'Peter Carey Atterton'

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  1.  3
    Proposal for a New College.Peter Abbs & Graham Carey - 1977 - London: Heinemann Educational.
    Selon les auteurs le nouveau "College" d'enseignement supérieur devra être petit démocratique, auto-administré et résidentiel ; son but sera de créer une authentique communauté de culture, de connaissances académique et d'économie. Les collèges Ruskin, Bauhaus et Black Mountain sont décrits comme précurseurs.
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  2. A Duty to Be Charitable? A Rigoristic Reading of Kant.Peter Atterton - 2007 - Kant Studien 98 (2):135-155.
    To be beneficent, that is, to promote according to one's means the happiness of others in need, without hoping for something in return, is every man's duty. Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals Almost everyone agrees that we have a moral duty to pull out a drowning child from a shallow pond even if this means getting our clothes muddy. But what are the limits of the duty of beneficence? In “Famine, Affluence and Morality”, which first appeared in 1972, (...) Singer attempted to specify those limits in terms of the following principle: “if it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought, morally, to do it.” Singer went on to use this principle to argue that we ought to be doing all we can to prevent Third World hunger. At the same time, he challenged the well-established Western moral viewpoint that makes it an act of charity rather than a duty for a relatively affluent individual to give money to help feed the world's poor. Singer left open the question of whether the traditional distinction between duty and charity should be redrawn or abolished altogether, although he insisted that giving to others who are starving, even at the cost of giving up luxuries such as new clothes or a new car, is not an act of charity, but a duty. (shrink)
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    Radicalizing Levinas.Peter Atterton & Matthew Calarco (eds.) - 2010 - State University of New York Press.
    Levinas ahead of his time--and himself--on politics, postcolonialism and globalization, animals and the environment, and science and technology.
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    Editors' Introduction.Peter Atterton & Sean Lawrence - 2022 - Levinas Studies 16 (1):1-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Editors’ Introduction“Between the Bible and the Philosophers”: ShakespearePeter Atterton (bio) and Sean Lawrence (bio)It is not clear when Levinas first read Shakespeare, but we do have some clues. The first complete translation of Shakespeare’s works into Russian, Levinas’s mother tongue, appeared between 1865 and 1868. These volumes doubtless graced the shelves of his family’s bookstore in Kovno (now Kaunas), in Lithuania, then part of the Russian empire. Kovno (...)
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    Face to face with animals: Levinas and the animal question.Peter Atterton & Tamra Wright (eds.) - 2019 - Suny Press.
    Explores Levinas’s approach to animal ethics from a range of perspectives. This is the first volume of primary and secondary source material dedicated solely to the animal question in Levinas. Drawing on previously unpublished material, including the recent discovery and digitization of the original French recording of an interview with Levinas that took place in 1986, it seeks to give fresh impetus to the debate surrounding the moral status of animals in Levinas’s work. The book offers ten essays by leading (...)
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    And Question This Most Bloody Piece of Work.Peter Atterton - 2022 - Levinas Studies 16:129-158.
    This article surveys the numerous philosophical themes Levinas attributes to Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Detailed discussions are provided of the face as the temptation to commit violence and its prohibition, of the there is as the impossibility of an exit from existence, of the foundational role of con­science in ethics, and of the nature of the tragic hero who seeks to postpone the inevitability of death. I argue that it is only by treating the face as in some sense provoking violence can (...)
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  7. Levinas and Our Moral Responsibility Toward Other Animals.Peter Atterton - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (6):633 - 649.
    Abstract In this essay I show that while Levinas himself was clearly reluctant to extend to nonhuman animals the same kind of moral consideration he gave to humans, his ethics of alterity is one of the best equipped to mount a strong challenge to the traditional view of animals as beings of limited, if any, moral status. I argue that the logic of Levinas's own arguments concerning the otherness of the Other militates against interpreting ethics exclusively in terms of human (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy as a practice for life.Peter Atterton - 2005 - Philosophical Practice 1 (2):89-93.
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    Doing Difference Together.Peter Atterton - 2011 - Culture and Dialogue 1 (2):21-36.
    Our essay begins with a story of a disagreement between a senior Aboriginal elder and an eminent Australian environmental scientist about whether two plants are the same or different. This highly specific disagreement, which occurred in the context of an attempt to exchange knowledge about land management, brings into focus what is involved in developing a philosophically sophisticated postcolonial dialogue as part of knowledge and culture work with Yolŋu Aboriginal Australians. We propose an Australian comparative empirical philosophical inquiry (ACEPI) as (...)
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    Derrida’s Gift to Levinas.Peter Atterton - 2003 - International Studies in Philosophy 35 (2):1-26.
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    Nourishing the Hunger of the Other: A Rapprochement between Levinas and Darwin.Peter Atterton - 2011 - Symploke 19 (1-2):17-33.
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  12. Power's blind struggle for existence: Foucault, genealogy and Darwinism.Peter Atterton - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7 (4):1-20.
  13.  43
    “As Soon as a Man Comes to Life, He Is Old Enough to Die”: Heidegger and Chapter XX of Der Ackermann aus Böhmen.Peter Atterton - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (1):48-67.
    In section 48 of Being and Time, Heidegger quotes from chapter XX of Der Ackermann aus Böhmen, a late medieval prose poem written in Early New High German, circa 1400: “As soon as a man comes to life, he is at once old enough to die.” In this paper, I provide the context for the quotation. I also suggest that Heidegger’s interest in Der Ackermann cannot be explained solely in terms of his believing the poem was the source of the (...)
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  14. Contributors to volume 1.2.Peter Atterton, Katrina Bramstedt, Ruben Diaz Jr, Vaughana Feary, Michael Grosso, Amy Hannon, George T. Hole, Ruth E. Kastner, Susan Kovalinsky & Ronald Pies - 2005 - Philosophical Practice 1 (2).
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  15. Ethical cynicism.Peter Atterton - 2004 - In Matthew Calarco & Peter Atterton (eds.), Animal philosophy: essential readings in continental thought. New York: Continuum. pp. 51--61.
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    Levinas's skeptical critique of methaphysics and anti-humanism.Peter Atterton - 1997 - Philosophy Today 41 (4):491-506.
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    Editor’s Introduction.Peter Atterton - 2010 - Levinas Studies 5:7-14.
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    Levinas and the Language of Peace: A Response to Derrida.Peter Atterton - 1992 - Philosophy Today 36 (1):59-70.
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    Dog and Philosophy.Peter Atterton - 2019 - In Peter Atterton & Tamra Wright (eds.), Face to face with animals: Levinas and the animal question. Suny Press. pp. 63-89.
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    Art, Religion, and Ethics Post Mortem Dei: Levinas and Dostoyevsky.Peter Atterton - 2007 - Levinas Studies 2:105-132.
    Discussions of the sources for Levinas’s philosophy have tended to focus on Greece and the Bible to the neglect of his Russo-Lithuanian cultural heritage. Almost no work has been done examining the impact of Russian literature on Levinas’s thinking. The present essay seeks to overcome this neglect by examining the influence that Dostoyevsky in particular exerted on the development of Levinas’s philosophy. I am aware that the notion of “influence” is philosophically vague, and not something whose truth can easily be (...)
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  21. Animal philosophy: essential readings in continental thought.Matthew Calarco & Peter Atterton (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Continuum.
    Animal Philosophy is the first text to look at the place and treatment of animals in Continental thought.
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    Detecting Fraud: The Role of the Anonymous Reporting Channel.Elka Johansson & Peter Carey - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (2):391-409.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine whether anonymous reporting channels are effective in detecting fraud against companies. Fraud, which comprises predominantly asset misappropriation, represents a key operational risk and a major cost to organisations. The fraud triangle provides a framework for developing our understanding of how ARCs can increase detection of fraud. Using publicly listed company survey data collected by KPMG in Australia—where ARCs are not mandated—we find a positive association between ARCs and reported fraud. These results indicate (...)
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  23.  19
    Levinas's Prison Notebooks, no. 7.Emmanuel Levinas, Peter Atterton & Sean Lawrence - 2022 - Levinas Studies 16:7-10.
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    How Have Presidents Addressed Race Since 1964?Emmanuel Levinas, Peter Atterton & Tamra Wright - 2019 - In Peter Atterton & Tamra Wright (eds.), Face to face with animals: Levinas and the animal question. Suny Press. pp. 3-9.
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    Morality in the Laboratory.Josy Eisenberg, Peter Atterton & Joëlle Hansel - 2011 - Levinas Studies 6 (1):1-7.
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  26. Animal Philosophy: Essential Writings in Theory and Culture.Matthew Calarco & Peter Atterton (eds.) - 2004 - Continuum.
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  27. Democracy and the Claims of Nature: Critical Perspectives for a New Century.Wilson Carey McWilliams, Bob Pepperman Taylor, Bryan G. Norton, Robyn Eckersley, Joe Bowersox, J. Baird Callicott, Catriona Sandilands, John Barry, Andrew Light, Peter S. Wenz, Luis A. Vivanco, Tim Hayward, John O'Neill, Robert Paehlke, Timothy W. Luke, Robert Gottlieb & Charles T. Rubin (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Democracy and the Claims of Nature, the leading thinkers in the fields of environmental, political, and social theory come together to discuss the tensions and sympathies of democratic ideals and environmental values. The prominent contributors reflect upon where we stand in our understanding of the relationship between democracy and the claims of nature. Democracy and the Claims of Nature bridges the gap between the often competing ideals of the two fields, leading to a greater understanding of each for the (...)
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    The continental ethics reader.Matthew Calarco & Peter Atterton (eds.) - 2003 - London: Routledge.
    The Continental Ethics Reader is the first comprehensive anthology of classic writings on ethics and moral philosophy from the major figures in Continental thought. The carefully selected readings are divided into five sections: Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, Existentialism, Critical Theory, Postmodernism, Psychoanalysis and Feminism. All of the authors and their writings are introduced and placed in philosophical context by the editors. The Continental Ethics Reader is an ideal point of entry to the most pressing issues and most important thinkers of the (...)
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    Null.Doohwan Ahn, Sanda Badescu, Giorgio Baruchello, Raj Nath Bhat, Laura Boileau, Rosalind Carey, Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu, Alan Goldstone, James Grieve, John Grumley, Grant Havers, Stefan Höjelid, Peter Isackson, Marguerite Johnson, Adrienne Kertzer, J.-Guy Lalande, Clinton R. Long, Joseph Mali, Ben Marsden, Peter Monteath, Michael Edward Moore, Jeff Noonan, Lynda Payne, Joyce Senders Pedersen, Brayton Polka, Lily Polliack, John Preston, Anthony Pym, Marina Ritzarev, Joseph Rouse, Peter N. Saeta, Arthur B. Shostak, Stanley Shostak, Marcia Landy, Kenneth R. Stunkel, I. I. I. Wheeler & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):731-771.
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    The Meaning of Religious Practice.Emmanuel Levinas, Peter Atterton, Matthew Calarco & Joëlle Hansel - 2010 - Levinas Studies 5:1-4.
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  31. Metaphysical Naturalism and Some Moral Realisms.Matthew Carey Jordan - 2011 - Philo 14 (1):5-24.
    One central question of metaethics concerns whether there are any moral facts. I argue that morality as such is characterized by a number of distinctive features, and that metaphysical naturalists should believe that there are moral facts only if there is a plausible naturalistic explanation of the existence of facts which exemplify those features. I survey three prominent (and very different) naturalistic moral theories—the reductive naturalism of Peter Railton, Frank Jackson’s analytic descriptivism, and Christine Korsgaard’s Kantianism—and argue that none (...)
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  32. Emotion and Narratives of Heartland: Kim Scott’s Benang and Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs.Victoria Reeve - 2013 - Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature 12 (3).
    In this essay, I want to explore the possibility that the success of narrative in stimulating empathy comes from the relation that narrative bears to emotion—where emotion is a kind of proto-narrative that possibly accounts for the structure and range of narratives themselves —and that our familiarity with emotions as micro-narratives results in the motivation of narrative. That is, the resolution of events occurs in terms of feeling rather than other forms of closure, since other forms of closure represent literal (...)
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  33. Who Cares Who’s Speaking? Cultural Voice in Peter Carey’s True History of the Kelly Gang.Victoria Reeve - 2010 - Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature.
    Narrated in the first person, Peter Carey’s novel about the life of Australian bushranger Ned Kelly incorporates other aspects of speech derived both from Carey’s personal experience and from the editorial process. Kelly's voice is toned down to some extent by virtue of the latter, introducing expressions Kelly himself would not have used. Identifying these elements, along with the specific attributes of Kelly’s own speech, enjoins a diversity of cultural and social groupings that intersect and, in some (...)
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    The Unexpected Professor: An Oxford Life in Books. By John Carey . Pp. xii, 361, London, Faber & Faber, 2014, £15.19. [REVIEW]Peter Milward - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (2):359-360.
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    "The relative merits of goodness and originality": the ethics of storytelling in Peter Carey's novels.Christer Larsson - 2001 - Uppsala: Academiae Ubsaliensis.
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  36. Peter Atterton and Matthew Calarco, eds., Animal Philosophy: Essential Readings in Continental Thought Reviewed by.Margaret Van De Pitte - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25 (4):235-237.
    The editors cull the works of 11 noted French and German philosophers for their contributions to the debate about what animals are like and how we should relate to them. Each selection gives the gist of the philosopher's view followed by a noted scholar's comments. The result, as Peter Singer notes in his merciless Foreward, is that most of the Continentals have had almost nothing of interest to say on the topic.
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    Debating Moral Education: Rethinking the Role of the Modern University.Elizabeth Kiss & J. Peter Euben (eds.) - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    After decades of marginalization in the secularized twentieth-century academy, moral education has enjoyed a recent resurgence in American higher education, with the establishment of more than 100 ethics centers and programs on campuses across the country. Yet the idea that the university has a civic responsibility to teach its undergraduate students ethics and morality has been met with skepticism, suspicion, and even outright rejection from both inside and outside the academy. In this collection, renowned scholars of philosophy, politics, and religion (...)
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  38. Peter Agócs, Chris Carey, and Richard Rawles (eds.). Receiving the Komos: An-cient and Modern Receptions of the Victory Ode. Bulletin of the Institute of Clas-sical Studies Supplements, 112. London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, 2012. Pp. ix, 250.£ 50.00 (pb.). ISBN 978-1-905670-34-5. A companion volume to these same editors' Reading the Victory Ode (Cam. [REVIEW]C. W. Lape, S. D. Olson, D. Sells, C. Vester, K. Wrenhaven, Gregory S. Aldrete, Scott Bartell & Alicia Aldrete - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (4):713-722.
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    Review of Peter Atterton, Matthew Calarco, Maurice Friedman (eds.), Levinas and Buber: Dialogue and Difference[REVIEW]Michael Morgan - 2005 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2005 (11).
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    Review of The Continental Ethics Reader, ed. Matthew Calarco and Peter Atterton[REVIEW]L. Sebastian Purcell - 2007 - Essays in Philosophy 8 (2):325-331.
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    Literary Thickness.Rafe McGregor - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (3):343-360.
    In this paper, I shall demonstrate the value of the concept of literary thickness – i.e. form-content inseparability – as a tool of literary appreciation. I set out the relationships between non-fiction, fiction, literature, and poetry in Section 1 and sketch a preliminary definition of literary thickness in Section 2. I argue that a convincing account of reference in literary fictions can be provided by means of literary thickness in Sections 3 and 4. I argue that the match between authorial (...)
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    Self-Knowledge, Deliberation, and the Fruit of Satan.Josep E. Corbí - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (2):245-261.
    Robert Dunn and Richard Moran have emphasized the importance of deliberation to account for the privileged authority of self-ascriptions. They oppose a theoretical attitude toward oneself to a deliberative attitude that they regard as more intimate, as purely first-personal. In this paper, I intend to challenge Dunn’s and Moran’s understanding of how the deliberative attitude is to be conceived of and, in particular, I will call into question their claim that this attitude is wholly non-observational. More positively, I will elaborate (...)
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  43. Genre and Metaphors of Embodiment: Voice, View, Setting and Event.Victoria Reeve - 2011 - Dissertation, Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne
    This thesis is concerned with the ways in which meaning is generically mediated in the novel. In particular it addresses the productive diversity of meanings generated by critical interpretation and asks how, given this diversity, comprehension and consensus might be possible. I argue that the construction of subject, object, space and time is achieved in the novel through different manifestations of four key metaphors: voice, view, setting and event. These metaphors supply meanings that rely on a common experience of embodiment. (...)
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    Communitarian Theory and Andalusian Imagery in Carmel Bird’s Fiction. An Interview.Gerardo Rodríguez-Salas - 2014 - Iris 35:123-139.
    Australian writer Carmel Bird writes fiction that, while being highly individual and varied, settles within the Australian traditions of both Peter Carey’s fabulism and Thea Astley’s humane wit. As William H. Wilde, Joy Hooton and Barry Andrews state, Bird is a “witty writer with a wide but always highly original tonal range”, who “raises what is often potentially sinister or horrific to something approaching comedy. Disease, deaths and violence are staples in her fictional world, which has similarities with (...)
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    Researcher Views on Changes in Personality, Mood, and Behavior in Next-Generation Deep Brain Stimulation.Peter Zuk, Clarissa E. Sanchez, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Katrina A. Muñoz, Lavina Kalwani, Richa Lavingia, Laura Torgerson, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Jill O. Robinson, Stacey Pereira, Simon Outram, Barbara A. Koenig, Amy L. McGuire & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):287-299.
    The literature on deep brain stimulation (DBS) and adaptive DBS (aDBS) raises concerns that these technologies may affect personality, mood, and behavior. We conducted semi-structured interviews with researchers (n = 23) involved in developing next-generation DBS systems, exploring their perspectives on ethics and policy topics including whether DBS/aDBS can cause such changes. The majority of researchers reported being aware of personality, mood, or behavioral (PMB) changes in recipients of DBS/aDBS. Researchers offered varying estimates of the frequency of PMB changes. A (...)
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    A Realist Philosophy of Social Science: Explanation and Understanding.Peter T. Manicas - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This introduction to the philosophy of social science provides an original conception of the task and nature of social inquiry. Peter Manicas discusses the role of causality seen in the physical sciences and offers a reassessment of the problem of explanation from a realist perspective. He argues that the fundamental goal of theory in both the natural and social sciences is not, contrary to widespread opinion, prediction and control, or the explanation of events. Instead, theory aims to provide an (...)
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    From Greenwashing to Machinewashing: A Model and Future Directions Derived from Reasoning by Analogy.Peter Seele & Mario D. Schultz - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (4):1063-1089.
    This article proposes a conceptual mapping to outline salient properties and relations that allow for a knowledge transfer from the well-established greenwashing phenomenon to the more recent machinewashing. We account for relevant dissimilarities, indicating where conceptual boundaries may be drawn. Guided by a “reasoning by analogy” approach, the article addresses the structural analogy and machinewashing idiosyncrasies leading to a novel and theoretically informed model of machinewashing. Consequently, machinewashing is defined as a strategy that organizations adopt to engage in misleading behavior (...)
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    Tribal S Ocial Instin Cts a Nd the Cultural Evolution O F Institutions to Solv E Col Lecti Ve Action Problems.Peter Richerson - unknown
    Human social life is uniquely complex and diverse. Much of that complexity consists of culturally transmitted ideas and skills that underpin the operation of institutions that structure our social life. Considerable theoretical and empirical work has been devoted to the role of cultural evolutionary processes in the evolution of institutions. The most persistent controversy has been over the role of cultural group selection and gene-culture coevolution in early human populations the Pleistocene. We argue that cultural group selection and related cultural (...)
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  49. Fiction and theory of mind: An exchange.Lisa Zunshine - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):189-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 31.1 (2007) 189-196MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Fiction and Theory of Mind: An ExchangeLisa Zunshine University of KentuckyBrian Boyd's review of my new book, Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel (Ohio State University Press, 2006) engages a large variety of issues.1 I would like to address an important question about the integration of scientific methodology with literary analysis suggested by Boyd's discussion.2 As (...)
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  50. Sport, moral education and the development of character.Peter J. Arnold - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 18 (2):275–281.
    Peter J Arnold; Sport, Moral Education and the Development of Character, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 18, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 275–281, htt.
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